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Please donate to Bioabundance Community Interest Company
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account no.: 67216303
Our Use of Money
With great generosity, you helped fund our first legal action against a high growth agenda for South Oxfordshire. Pro-bono and ‘low-bono’ lawyers gave their time and expertise. We went as far as we could in the court system.
We are left with a small reserve for expenses in running the website and bringing in expert help on, for example, mapping and ecology. Your donations help to keep our actions effective.
Incredible numbers of unneeded houses are planned here, for Greed not Need. They will wreck our Green Belt around Oxford, destroy our chances of restoring nature, and massively add to our carbon emissions.
We took action against South Oxfordshire District Council and the Secretary of State for Housing. Councillors were elected to withdraw the damaging Local Development Plan 2035, but instead it was forced through to adoption by the Secretary of State.
‘Low-bono’ lawyers helped us in this case, fighting for climate, wildlife, and democracy; we raised £25,000.
Ultimately the law was not on the side of nature. Two High Court judges, and a judge from the Court of Appeal all agreed that the Government and the Council had no case to answer.