No new houses without infrastructure!
New homes are putting intolerable strain on our services: GPs, sewage works, schools etc. Councillor Sue Roberts told the Oxford Mail that her nephew was denied medical care for his two-year old son. They had recently moved to Didcot where there are not enough GPs. The child was sent home from nursery with a blood-encrusted ear but was turned away from all the Didcot surgeries and the Abingdon ‘walk-in’ surgery. Their lists were full and he could not register. Eventually a nurse prescribed antibiotics. Sue added that as well as there being a national shortage of GPs, the situation is worsened by excessive house-building bringing people to this area whilst hollowing out other communities. “I became a councillor to match house-building with our true need,” she said. “We are in a climate crisis and we need to cherish our land, to get our nature back and to grow our own food.”